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Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro - In compliance with the directive of NIA Central Office' On Boarding Program through Memorandum Circular No. 43 series of 2021, the NIA MIMAROPA conducts Orientation to a Newly-Hired Employees on August 1, 2023 at NIA-IA Training Center, Bayanan II, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro.
With the support of Acting Regional Manager Ronilio M. Cervantes, Engineering and Operations Division Manager Lowell L. Lozano and Administrative and Finance Division Manager Kirsty Caroline M. Hernandez-Aceron, the activity highlighted the Overview of NIA including its Vision, Mission, Quality Policies, Core Values and Programs, and the NIA-MIMAROPA's History. The Leave Administration, Compensation and other benefits of the government personnel, and other Administrative Policies are discussed during the orientation.
Administrative Services Officer V Joy U. Bautista, Administrative Services Chief C Aileen Vernice G. Bahia and Industrial Relations Management Development Officer A Dyanne M. Jusi served as the resource speaker in the said activity. The orientation was also attended by employees of Occidental Mindoro IMO through virtual platform.